New Here?
Our website has been around for a few years now and if this is your first visit (where have you been?) you might be wondering where is best to start?
Firstly, if you’ve haven’t already you should check out our about page to get to know us a little better. Once that’s done it’s on to the good stuff, here are a few posts to get you going…
Bucket List
These are the things we bring up at parties to let everyone know how interesting we are…
The Great Wall of China – Our first major landmark!
Songkran Festival, Thailand – We experienced it twice and loved every second.
Surfing in Bali – Well trying to anyway…
Splash, Drink, Float, Pass out! – Tubing in Vang Vieng, Laos (before it changed)
Swimming with Whale Sharks – An amazing day in Donsol, Philippines.
Or maybe you’d rather swim with them in Tanzania? – Because once is never enough.
Serengeti Safari – The worlds most famous national park.
Lessons of the Road
We’re only human and we’ve made plenty of mistakes whilst traveling so here’s your opportunity to laugh at us…
A bit too laid back? – Our very first transport mistake in China.
4 Showers, 3 Rooms & Suicide Watch – The worst night of Poi’s life.
When god says no – A trip that just wasn’t meant to happen in Laos.
Still Learning – Getting lost in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Some Mistakes Cost – Another simple transport mistake on route to the Philippines.
Don’t book with the crappiest airline – Yet another transport mistake in the USA
Kirsty worked as a kindergarten teacher in Thailand before taking the giant leap back in England teaching 14 – 18 year olds in central London. Here’s some of the highlights…
The Test Class Disaster Case – An awkward first attempt at teaching in Thailand.
Thoughts from a first time teacher in Thailand – Surprises, changes and challenges.
A year of teaching in Thailand – Looking back after a year in the job.
It’s something Poi had been planning to do for a long time and whilst we were away he finally made it happen…
Diving in Koh Tao, Thailand – Poi completes his open water course.
Open Water – If I can do it… – Kirsty finally faces her fear and learns to to dive. She answers some questions for first timers
Diving with Thresher Sharks – Unbelievable diving in the Philippines.
Reef Sharks in Padang Bai – Diving in Indonesia.
- Underwater in Zanzibar – Like diving in a fish tank.
The Funnies
It’s not all serious travel business, occasionally there’s some comedy along the way even if it’s not enjoyable for us…
The Thrilling Adventures of Super Boyfriend – What a hero.
Getting my anus inspected in Bangkok – Poi suffers, you laugh.
Getting my bum out in hospital again… – That’s right, it happened again.
- The bus journey that ruined out honeymoon – It wasn’t pleasant.
That should be just enough to get you started but keep an eye out for much more that’ll be happening soon!