Survival Tips in Wildlife – How Can You Avert Dangers in The Jungle?

by admin on September 30, 2018

Venturing into the jungle is fun and exciting. You do not know what is going to happen next. The best part of living in the wild is you value life and being alive greatly. You get the chance to see wild animals up and close. You do not worry about the stress and deadlines of city life. In short, staying in the wild is a unique experience for you however when you are in the jungle, you must be prepared to guard yourself against danger.  

Avoiding danger in the jungle

When you are in the jungle choose the spot for your night camp wisely. The place should be away from falling trees. Often the branches of a tree may fall down on top of your tent. Survey the area and choose a spot that has no threats from these falling trees.


Rivers and rocks

When you are wading through water, be careful of slippery rocks. Check the water level of the river. Do not cross rivers whose water levels are above your knee. When you are crossing the rivers, wear good footwear. Take a stick to balance yourself when you are crossing a river.

Keep yourself hydrated with fresh water

When you are in the jungle, it is important for you to keep yourself hydrated. This is where you need fresh and clean water to drink. Check animal trails and see where wild horses drink water from. These horses often come back to the same spot to drink water from fresh streams and rivers. If you look at these wild horses, they are strong and beautiful. They are different from the racing horses you watch on TVG. These horses live in the wild, and like other animals, they know fresh water sources for you to drink and collect water. The jungle is hot, and if you are not properly hydrated, you will suffer from sunstroke and heat stroke. Store excess water in bottles and keep them with you all the time.

Plants and mushrooms

Some plants prick you badly if you touch them with bare hands. Be careful and if you need to move plants out of the way, ensure you use a stick. When it comes to eating food, make sure you do not consume raw mushrooms. Wild mushrooms can be poisonous so do not eat anything you do not know. Keep insect and mosquito repellants with you so that you do not get bitten by mosquitoes spreading dengue and yellow fever. Wear long-sleeved clothes so that these insects do not bite you. In the night, use a good mosquito net for protecting yourself from insect bites that can become dangerous.

Last but not the least, if you get lost in the jungle do not panic. Stay calm and go back to the trail you had come from.  Track water sources as most of the time rescue parties will find you there. Make sure you fish for food and always cook the food you wish to eat.


Author Bio: Mandy Bular is a freelance content writer. She has written many good and informative articles on different categories such as automotive, health, fashion, travel etc. She is a featured author at various authoritative blogs in the health and fitness industry and currently associated as a blogger with

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