Routine Changes

by Kirsty June 10, 2010

It’s got to the business end of our planning now, I’m moving out of my house and seriously starting to get ready for leaving everything behind and seeing how far we can make it round the world. My routine is changing and it’s going to take some getting use to.

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Change of plan?

by Kirsty June 7, 2010

All travellers seek a way to continue earning money whilst on the road and with our trip getting closer and closer I might just have a new idea how…

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Random Traveller #9

by Kirsty June 5, 2010

This section is dedicated to people who have already taken the plunge and have started travelling. We find out their favourite places, why they have gone and what things they wish they hadn’t packed.

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Could we do more?

by Kirsty June 3, 2010

There are some amazing people out there who do some great things that sometimes don’t get the attention they deserve, I am not talking about volunteers, although they do deserve a huge amount of respect and thanks but the people who push themself for enjoyment.

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Before we come home we must achieve….

by Kirsty June 1, 2010

We actually had a conversation the other day about our trip for once rather than this blog, we ended up with a rough list of a few things we wanted to do while away and here they are….

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Random Traveller #8

by Kirsty May 29, 2010

This section is dedicated to people who have already taken the plunge and have started travelling. We find out their favourite places, why they have gone and what things they wish they hadn’t packed.

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3reeeeeeee Months to go

by Kirsty May 27, 2010

This week we reached the three month mark! This post details what we have been up to for the past month and how we are generally planning and preparing for the trip. Just to let you guys all know…. I HAVE FINISHED UNI! 🙂

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Couch Surfing: First Time Hosting

by Poi May 24, 2010

Poi had his first expirence of couch surfing a couple of weekends back. Here he explains how it went, what the people are like and why we would do it all again.

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Random Traveller #7

by Kirsty May 21, 2010

This section is dedicated to people who have already taken the plunge and have started travelling. We find out their favourite places, why they have gone and what things they wish they hadn’t packed.

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Travel Blog Success Review

by Kirsty May 19, 2010

Myself and Kirsty have been members of Travel Blog Success since we first began building our webiste and blog. Check out our review of TBS and see how it has affected our experiences.

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