Travel Bloggers
We have lots of favorite travel blogs that we were reading a long time before we made this site, here are our favorites a long with a little description to help you on your way.
2in1 World
Join Alejandro and Andrea in their new journey traveling the world. They share travel tips, study abroad experiences, and language learning tips.
Adventures With Dan
Once known as Dan in Australia before realising there was far more out there he wanted to see and do, mostly including hanging around in Asia with us, something we are still waiting for him to achieve.
Ali’s Adventures
Alison has been hooked on travelling since a trip to Europe when she was 14 and loves planning for trips so feel free to ask for advice.
Adventurous Kate
Kate shares the wacky, ridiculous and hilarious sides of travel — always while taking the unconventional route. Join her on her adventures around the globe!
A French Man in Asia
French blogger who left his homeland to enjoy a new life with several adventures in China and around Asia
A Pair of Panties & Boxers
She used to want the corner office. Now she wants the world. Monica blogs about her travels around the world & her travels through life. Either way she travel, it’s food for her soul.
Asia on Strollers
Gil and Julia, started Asia on Strollers to share their love of travel and a conviction that traveling in Asia is even more amazing with child than without.
Aspiring Backpacker
Aspiring backpacker is a travel blog for first time traveler or people who are dreaming about hitting the road. All you need to do is read up and set off!
Aussie Nomad
Chris is in his late twenties and just about to burn his suit and travel and work his way round Europe. I’m also pretty sure he’ll meet just about anyone for a beer.
A Wandering Sole
After finishing one RTW trip Laura is continuing to travel, run, and volunteer her way around the world
Backpacking Man
Jonny has been away from home for an impressive 15 years, living and working abroad.
Backpacking Matt
Backpackingmatt is a blog dedicated to offering advice and inspiration for the budget conscious traveler or backpacker. His Motto:Life’s a Journey
Backpacking Worldwide
Backpacking Worldwide chronicles the travels of Matt Hope as we spends the next few years visiting destinations around the globe. Along the way he’ll be telling tales, giving tips, and taking lots of pictures and video.
Bacon is Magic
Ayngelina left her job, apartment, boyfriend and friends to travel solo. Read about her adventures as she eats her way through Central America, South America and beyond
Bagpack Traveller
If a picture does indeed speak a thousand words, then Daniel Murillo Mir’s and Ingrid Molano’s photojournalistic site speaks volumes
Beyond Disney Travel Tips
There’s a great wide world out there yearning to be traveled. Beyond Disney Travel Tips looks beyond the flash and sizzle of mainstream tourism to see what lies at the heart of foreign places, and gives you ideas on how to get there.
Brooke Vs The World
Brooke is a 20 something traveller who made the decision after her first trip in 2000 to continue travelling and explore as much as possible.
The Brooklyn Nomad
Andrew is a travel addict that loves exploring his native New York as well as the world. TBN offers travel stories, tips, hotel reviews and weekly guest posts from wanderers around the planet.
Career Gap Year
A travel blog by Andreas who is on an adventure to extend his career break as long as possible.
Dangerous Business
Amanda’s goal is to get swept off as often as possible, but more importantly she loves the colour green and the scent of freshly moan grass.
Discovering Ice
DiscoveringIce is a travel blog by Steph and Andres, a couple in their twenties, who both gave up their jobs to travel the world indefinitely, funded through online automated technology businesses and entrepreneurship.
Dream a Little Dream
They are finding out how far dreams can travel on their year plus long trip
Evaser is a lifestyle site and blog about long term around the world travel.
Everything Everywhere
Gary Arndt has been traveling and blogging around the world since March 2007. He has one of the most established blogs and it’s well worth a look.
Famsterdam Life
Just turned 30 but no turn away from travel and adventures. Fabio thinks that life enthusiasm can be found not only on the road but everywhere we live.
Finding the Universe
The story of Laurence, searching for his place in the universe through words and photos. Possible humour ahead.
Freedonia Post
It’s intended to be entertaining first, informative second. With the start of a “round the world” journey in July of 2010, it’s meant to show off the most important part of travel – the fun! So it’s usually silly, often random and always a skewed view of the world from a card carrying goofball.
Fresh Season
The adventures of a Canadian student traveling to Europe for the second time… but to Russia for the first time! Not only is fresh-season about Leanne’s travels, but it’s also beauty and food (recipes!) related.
Gap Year Escape
Amar is a full time traveller from the UK and wonders how you can know your place in the world if you’ve not seen it?
Gap Year Extreme
An adventure sports blog for adrenaline seekers on a Gap Year.
Getting Stamped
Meet Hannah & Adam, a couple who decided a normal life was just too… Normal. So they are packing their lives into a backpack for 2 years as they travel the globe. Follow along with their journey!
Global TravElla
An English travel writer about to embark on a round-the-world trip, Ella will be sharing travel stories, advice as she experiences and learns about the world. Enjoy!
The GlobeTrekker
See the world through his eyes and enjoy adventurous travel stories from around the Globe.
Go Backpacing
A well established brilliant resource for any potential backpacker. Also the creator of Travel Blog Success, which is a brilliant guide for any travel blogger and a great help to us.
Go See Write
Michael left his law practice in 2008 to start traveling the world with one unique twist — he tries to only travel overland. He made it RTW in 2009-10 without taking a plane and is on the road with more overland adventures now.
Indian Travel Journey
Satu went to India for two months, but ended up traveling in Asia for three years. Indian Travel Journey is a blog about her travels in India.
Island Vacations
Edelito is a government employee and a part-time CEO of a fast-growing cooperative/credit union who travels frequently for business and pleasure. He launched a travel site to give vent to his writing passion which he had developed since his elementary days and choose island vacations as the niche as it is closer to his heart.
Jessie on a Journey
A blog aimed at backpackers, budget travelers, voluntourists, and adventure-seekers following one New Yorker’s journey around the globe and the Big Apple
Johnny Vegabond
Wes has just started his 1+ year trip heading the opposite way round the world to us. Check out his site, if you like to travel cheap, lots of pictures and maybe a few lies
Laura the Explorer
Stories and advice about budget travel and backpacking, from first hand experience.
Life After Cubes
Jason Demant & Sharon Duckworth left their Silicon Valley jobs in 2009 to pursue a Life After Cubes. The site chronicles their travels and entrepreneurial aspirations. Also check out their new site for Travellers –
Un Anchor
Living The Dream RTW
One student traveling RTW on a budget for up to one year while showing others how to do the same!
At loveholidays they have revolutionised the way we offer you holidays. They provide four flexible payment options to choose from, in a bid to make holidays more affordable for everyone. After all, there is no feeling quite like booking your perfect getaway!
Man Vs Clock
Travel site written by an English boy focusing on world travel and laughing in the face of fear.
Man Vs World
The life and times of a Kiwi abroad…
Monkey Brewster
A blog about a monkey… and a man… preparing to travel whilst gaining a teaching qualification in the US. Beware he likes bananas flinging poo around…
Nancy Under The Stars
Travel Bug Bites are infectious. Once you start, you won’t want to stop. Nancy has TBB bad, so follow her as she shares her experiences with the world.
Nomadic Chick
Follow Jeannie as she abondons the cublicle in 2010 to travel the world in search of stories, interviewsm tips and self-reflection. Oh, and some laughs too!
Nomadic Samuel
Blog featuring daily travel photo’s and videos, Sam writes about backpacking, quirky travel tales, budget travel, teaching English in Asia and travel photography tips. Sam also runs Smiling Faces Travel Photos – Daily travel photo featuring smiles from around the world
No Debt World Travel
Tips, hints to help ANYONE travel around the world. Bring home the memories and the not the bills!
Over Yonder Lust
A couple from Austin, Texas. She photographs. He writes. Join them on their travels and preparation for a year in South America
Redcat Travel –
Stefan has left home by the age of 19, starting to explore the world.
The Travelling Squid
Travelling awakens the dreamers, thinkers and believers in us. Check out The Travelling Squid for tips on travelling the Trans Siberian and more
A kiwi and a pom with a passion for budget travel. We spend every spare minute of our time exploring new places and sharing our adventures, travel tips and inspiration on our budget travel blog.
Travelling With Me
Travelling With Me is a travel blog written by a travel enthusiast Scott sharing his love for travelling, festivals and other great events
Website by Hans – a travel photographer on his way to hit 100 countries (70 countries visited so far)
Dayna and Kurt are two nine-to-fivers turned nomadic who are working, house sitting and volunteering their way around the world. Wanderlusting is their labor of love, designed to move the travel dreams of their readers into action.
Where Now Blog
Arthur, Jozef and Ben are three soon to be university students from the UK who are embarking on a daunting adventure across South America, New Zealand and Australia. Throughout their journey they will be telling stories, posting photos, and sharing tips, all will trying not to get lost.”
Caz & Craig are amazing (what more do you need to know) but with a loooot of travel under their belts they’re also a source of inspiration to other travellers and wanabee travellers.
1000 Fights
Couple travel fights? We got’em. Exotic locales? Yep. Relationship ideas? Gottcha covered. Fun? ALWAYS! Visit our travel blog and follow our next fight!