Random Traveller #63 with Scott and Christy from Ordinary Traveler

by Kirsty on November 12, 2011

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Welcome to round 63 of ‘Meet a Random Traveller’. The series dedicated to bring attention to fantastic people all around the world doing their thing.

Random Traveller 63

Christy and Scott from Ordinary Traveler

Christy and Scott on 4th July

Who are you?
We are Christy and Scott, a couple of surfers who currently live in San Diego. Scott is from New Jersey and Christy is from Northern California.

We both have day jobs (I won’t bore you with the details), but we also run a photography business on the side and we are launching an exciting new product in the next month.

What’s the deal?
Ordinary Traveler is an adventure travel blog providing tips to others who want to fulfill their dreams of travel. It came about because we wanted to document our travels and hopefully show people that it’s entirely possible to travel all over the world even with a full time job. Our blog is a platform for our travel photography and a way for us to share our travel adventure stories.

You both traveled a lot growing up but was it always the plan to travel so much as a couple?
It was always my plan, but I’m not so sure Scott was prepared for this lifestyle when we met. I’m the dreamer in our relationship and Scott keeps my feet planted on the ground when I get a little crazy with ideas.

I think he appreciates all the travel we do, but he probably wouldn’t travel as often if we weren’t together. We do have a lot of fun and thankfully we both love to surf, so many of our trips are focused around making sure we can be near an ocean with some waves.

Gorgeous beach in Newcastle Australia

If you had to single out one experience to seal travel to somebody what would it be?
We love meeting new people when traveling and some of our favorite memories include places where we have clicked with people from all over the world.

One place that comes to mind is a surf camp in Cabarete in the Dominican Republic. We were there for Christmas break last year and even though we were far away from our families, it felt like we were amongst life-long friends. Something about surf camps really brings out a crowd of people that we connect with.

We have a few posts on our site about our Christmas in the Dominican Republic if you are interested in learning more about this place.

Who’s the better surfer of the two of you?
Haha. Definitely Scott. He has to push me to be more fearless when it comes to big, barreling waves. I’m happy with a nice and easy waist to shoulder high day.

Joshua Tree National Park

What’s next?
The plan is to leave around September of 2012 for a year or so of travel. We are not sure where we will start our trip yet, but we will definitely spend a good deal of time in South America, especially Peru…the land of lefts (my favorite!).

We are also considering visiting Portugal, Morocco, Africa and a few countries in Central America. I don’t know if you can tell, but our main focus is to ride waves around the world. We may need to change our website name to Ordinary Wave Chasers.

We have a few business ideas that we also want to pursue full time, so this is another reason we want to take time away from our regular jobs.

Be sure to check them out:
Blog: Ordinary Traveler
Facebook:Ordinary Traveler

Fancy being Random Traveller #64? Contact us.


{ 4 comments… read them below or add one }

Christy @ Ordinary Traveler November 13, 2011 at 7:29 am

Thanks so much for interviewing us, guys!


Poi November 21, 2011 at 10:10 pm

No problem it was a pleasure


sheno monkey November 14, 2011 at 5:45 am

they are really cooool.


MarkG November 14, 2011 at 11:15 am

Regarding Peru…what is ‘the land of lefts’?!


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