Random Traveller #70 with John of Travel Rinse Repeat

by Poi on February 11, 2012

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Welcome to round 70 of ‘Meet a Random Traveller’. The series dedicated to bring attention to fantastic people all around the world doing their thing.

Random Traveller 70

Travel Rinse Repeat

Overlooking the city of Osaka, Japan from the Umeda Sky Terrace

Who are you?
I’m John and I write over at www.travelrinserepeat.com. I’m from Denver, Colorado and I work as a consultant who travels almost full time for work.

What’s the deal?
I started Travel Rinse Repeat as a way to share some of my tips and tricks from a life spent on the road. For me, a major component of what I do is finding ways to maximize whatever travel opportunities I get. We’d all love to have all the time in the world to see and do what we want, but unfortunately, that’s rarely the case.

I try to provide useful travel tips and destination reports that show you how to best spend whatever amount of free time you do have available for travel. Often times, I only have evenings available in the destinations I travel to, and if I’m lucky, a weekend. This has helped me streamline and prioritize itineraries, and now I want to help others do the same.

Travel rinse repeat

On the summit of Quandary Peak, a 14,265 ft/4,348 m tall mountain in my home state of Colorado

Have you always made the effort to enjoy places you visit for work or was there a turning point?
For my first four months of traveling, I’d go back to my hotel every night, work, watch TV, and go to bed. It’s an easy trap to fall into. During this time, I was working in Atlanta every week and it wasn’t until I realized that my time in Atlanta would soon be coming to an end that I really started trying to take advantage of all the city had to offer. I’ve never looked back since, and now that I go to new destinations all the time, there is always something exciting to look forward to.

What tips would you give to someone who doesn’t think they have enough time to make business trips enjoyable?
Like with all travels, you have to make it a priority. It’s easy to get into a routine that doesn’t involve going out and exploring whatever city you’re in. To me, this is unacceptable. Business trips are FREE opportunities to travel, and most people would love to have that opportunity – so I’m not going to waste it. If that means getting up early, staying out late, or staying over for a weekend, then so be it.

Scuba diving in Wailea

Scuba diving with a green sea turtle off the shores of Wailea

What’s Next?
I’ll continue traveling around the country…my work schedule for the next year includes stops in some truly amazing cities (New Orleans, Santa Barbara, Las Vegas) and some others that I know next to nothing about (Gainesville, Tulsa, Tucson) but I’m excited to learn more. I’ll definitely be trying to work in some personal international travel as well.

A big thanks to Johnfor taking part, great to have you.

Be sure to check him out:
Blog:  Travel Rinse Repeat
Twitter: @travelrinserept
Facebook: /TravelRinseRepeat

Fancy being Random Traveller #71? Contact us.


{ 5 comments… read them below or add one }

Andi of My Beautiful Adventures February 12, 2012 at 7:58 am

Love the turtle shot!


John February 13, 2012 at 11:53 am

thanks again for the feature!


Clay February 15, 2012 at 2:07 pm

The turtle and mountain picture is really beautifully shot.
You have a good experience in traveling.


Megan April 19, 2012 at 7:33 pm

you’re all over the place lately john! and that turtle shot is pretty amazing!


Stig Jensen April 20, 2012 at 3:16 pm

The turtle shot is great ,are you sure it’s not photoshop !?


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