Just One More Beer?

by Poi on January 9, 2014

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The problem with wanting to go on all these lovely trips overseas is that they cost a lot of money. Unfortunately we’re not made of money and we haven’t robbed a bank recently, we have to save like everyone else.

The issue is:  we’re just really REALLY bad at it.

We struggled to save before our first trip and now having to do it all over again isn’t a lot of fun. Even worse it the fact we know exactly where all our downfalls are but the money keeps on disappearing, we can’t stop spending…

Or to put it slightly better lets call it socialising. Kirsty isn’t much of a drinker but I really like beer (not larger) and most meetings with friends usually include a couple of pints or ten of the dark booze. Nights out with friends are something I missed a lot when we were away and I’ve been doing a lot of making up for lost time.

Potential saving: Very high
Likelihood of cutting back: Very low


One of many booze fueled parties

Doing Stuff
It’s a bit of a broad title but I’m sure you get the idea. When we’re not working we like to make the most of our time going to shows and on days out etc but these all cost money. We could really do with sacrificing a few for the sake of our bank account but err… we don’t want to.

Potential saving: Very high
Likelihood of cutting back: Very low

Buying Stuff
This has been a big one lately. Just because we’ve been back in the UK for a while we haven’t started buying random unnecessary items but quite the opposite in fact. When travelling there were always things we wanted, mainly gadgets, but couldn’t afford due to our tight budget. Since we’ve been back however we’ve basically been collecting everything we want for our next trip. Just in the last month we’ve bought a Go Pro and a DSLR, we’re going to be a luggage thiefs dream.

Potential saving: Very high
Likelihood of cutting back: Very low (There’s always something new isn’t there)

New Canon 600d 18-135mm

Kirsty and one of our new toys

It’s not cheap. I could leave it there but to elaborate slightly it’s a combination of things. The public transport around the city is brilliant but all the little journeys add up especially when it’s as easy as a swipe of your oyster card. The biggest killer of course is the accommodation costs. Renting in London is very expensive and a big blow to our funds each month.
Despite this the biggest problem with London is that it’s so bloody interesting, there’s always something going on, something to see or do and as mentioned before, we kinda like doing ‘stuff’.

Potential saving: Very high
Likelihood of cutting back: Very low

These all contribute to our terrible saving attempts (excuses, I know) but the biggest problem of all is our snottyness. We’ve done the whole living off cheap pasta for a year to save every possible penny thing and we don’t want to go through that again. Especially Kirsty, working as a teacher and studying for her masters doesn’t want to work all week and then have to worry about every penny she’s spending.

The fact is no matter how hard it is to save we’re both very clear on what we want and that is to travel long term again. We’ll make it work and 2014 WILL be the year we do another runner (after a few more pints of course).

Summary: We want the world without any sacrifices and we don’t realise how lucky we are!


{ 10 comments… read them below or add one }

Monica January 10, 2014 at 9:37 am

This made me a laugh. I am SOO bad at saving. I get to the point where I start thinking ‘what’s the point in living if I can’t even have any fun!?’ The only way I really saved a decent amount of money was to work on an island in Australia where I literally couldn’t buy a thing. Nothing.

At least you’re doing it together and you know it’s going to be so worth it once you’re on that plane out of here!


Kirsty January 11, 2014 at 10:45 am

‘what’s the point in living if I can’t even have any fun!?’ – That’s exactly the way we feel!

Like you say though, no matter how hard it is now once it’s go time we’ll be so glad we made the effort to save even if we are terrible at it!


Angus Pryor January 17, 2014 at 10:57 am

Hi guys

I don’t know whether it takes the fun out of it, but would you consider working as you travel? Maybe that’s a challenge with visas?




Poi January 21, 2014 at 8:33 pm

Hi Angus,
Working is something we are happy to do. Kirsty was a teacher in Bangkok remember!


Leland C January 20, 2014 at 7:08 am

Perhaps spend some more time over here in SE asia where beer and food is cheap? 🙂

Other then that I hope you guys are making the most out of high interest savings accounts and the like!


Poi January 21, 2014 at 8:35 pm

Kirsty is a bit obsessed with searching out the best bank accounts, I’m sick of changing them all the time!

We’ve spent enough time in SE Asia lately (although it is of course very tempting to go back)


Lindsay January 21, 2014 at 10:15 pm

My down falls are expensive food (eating out and groceries), clothes, and house stuff (and I’m currently living at my sister’s place and I still have trouble holding back!). I totally hear you!
Lindsay´s last blog post ..An International School Job Fair in Three Posts


Poi January 22, 2014 at 8:13 pm

Eating out was a big one for us to, we’ve managed to cut it out now but there is so many good restaurants in London we want to try.

Clothes obviously aren’t such a problem for me but I’m sure Kirsty can relate haha


Catherine February 3, 2014 at 10:28 am

I’m trying to save for a big trip at the moment too, and it certainly isn’t easy. It’s the drinking/socialising that always gets me…one drink soon turns into five and a takeaway and a taxi home; it quickly adds up!
Catherine´s last blog post ..50 Things To (Think About) Doing Before You Go Travelling


Poi February 3, 2014 at 10:55 am

It’s by far my biggest problem as well. Especially since my friends have all moved to different sides of the city and I have to get a taxi alone now – ££££!


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