Random Traveller #97 with Nienke of The Travel Tester

by Poi on November 15, 2013

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Welcome to round 97 of ‘Meet a Random Traveller’. The series dedicated to bringing attention to fantastic people all around the world doing their thing.

Random Traveller #97

Who are you?

Hi, I’m Nienke [neen-k-uh], born in Amsterdam and after living in Sydney for 2 years, I’ve just moved to London for a new expat adventure with my boyfriend.

Whats the deal?

Travel has always been an important part of my life, with a grandfather who was a published travel writer and parents that took me and my brother camping all over the place. On ‘The Travel Tester’ I share my stories and tips for meaningful, independent and responsible travel, with lots of local experiences. For me, travel never stops and I love to encourage others to experience how travel can enrich their lives too.

The Travel Tester

If you had to settle down in one location tomorrow where would it be?

Every time I think I’m going to settle down, we pack our bags again, so I can’t really answer that 🙂 I really did love Sydney though, if it was not on the other side of the planet and so far from my family, I would probably have stayed there a lot longer.

What’s your favourite type of transportation and is there one particular journey that sticks in your mind?

I really like hiking, as it’s the only way for me to move around a country and not feel the urge to go on my laptop, make notes or do any other work-related activity. It’s just me being out of breath -enjoying the views. The best experience so far was walking for 11 days in the Annapurna region in Nepal. It was so intense, my boyfriend even had to take all the photos, as all I could do was walk, breathe and eat. Very liberating.

The Travel Tester

Is there anything unusual you carry round with you when travelling?

I find that nowadays I often bring hair straighteners with me on my travels. Which is totally ridiculous, because on my first solo journey I didn’t even know what they were and was perfectly happy without.

What’s next?

With The Travel Tester, I’m focussing a lot more on Europe next year, but I’m also working on a second blog about Australia that will launch soon. Going back there will always be on the top of my bucket list.


A big thanks to Nienke for taking part. Check her out here:
Blog: The Travel Tester
Facebook: /TheTravelTester
Twitter: @TheTravelTester

Fancy being Random Traveller #98? Contact us.


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