Work meetings happen all the time. In fact recent research found that an average worker spends a year of their life in meetings and most are seen as pointless. Lets have a meeting to organise the next meeting. It might explain why most people don’t particularly enjoy them. Conferences on the other hand are seen as great places to network and learn from your peers. Within the travelling community we now have many different conferences throughout the world. The most famous being Tbex, so much so they now have three in America, Europe and Asia. IHG have complied a list of unusual conferences venues around the UK, including on a deserted island near Hawaii or underwater. I love scuba diving and I would have certainly have signed up to join a press conference 10m down water. It certainly is a quirky way to release a new book! I wonder if any of the journalists invited had to take their diving certificate to attend? I would certainly be excited to go to the Natural History museum or a distillery in Glasgow. I think companies need to take note of some of the more interesting places you can now hold meetings in the future. Take a look at the infographic below:
The most unusual conference venues around the UK

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